Making writing lessons enjoyable

September 1, 2023

We undeniably live in a culture of writing. However, most of the time, evaluation is done through writing, which can provoke a feeling of haste in writing. What teacher has never stood at a student’s desk saying, “time’s up”?

According to research, structured writing activities allow students to recognize, analyze, and produce different texts related to a particular literary genre (story, letter, riddles, poem, game rules...), but also to learn to master work-related writing (answers to questions, synthesis of a lesson, report of an experience...). The list is long and the task is immense!

Encourage graphic gestures starting in 3rd grade to make writing easy

The simplest actions to set up consist of workshops to hold one's pencil properly with finger puppets or finger monsters. The idea is that the child should not be tense about the gesture of writing. Let's not forget, moreover, that learning how to write is a gesture that takes a long time to acquire. It requires fine motor skills, closely linked to the child's previous development. In case of the student having great difficulty, ergonomic and occupational therapy treatment may be relevant.

Collective writing

Writing in groups is a well-known literary practice. Writing among peers allows all the students, even the most fragile, to feel confident. It becomes easier to verbalize difficulties and to ask questions. Learning intensifies when inhibitions are lifted - we know how effective peer learning is. Students debate about the structure, read their productions, suggest rewrites, and validate the results.

Find tools to make writing tasks easier!

One of the best ways to get students to enjoy writing is to make the writing task easier. Planning the different stages of writing with the students is a good way to start the process and build their confidence.

Make writing a routine in third grade

The most effective way is to make writing a part of the classroom routine. Write a blog, start a class journal, publish a book, write reports... The most important thing is that the act of writing makes sense to your students. Above all, it must be regular, like a ritual that always comes back. Then, writing can takes its place in the classroom.

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