Digital technology: support writing skill development

September 1, 2023

Writing & Revising text: the virtues of long-term writing with digital technology

Standards across the globe focus on the need for rewriting. "The student expresses in writing to tell, describe, explain or argue in a clear and organized way. When necessary, the student will go back to their writing to find the most appropriate wording and clarify intentions and thoughts." Word processing can alleviate the headache of text revision and rewriting. I will never forget the look on the face of a student who had spent hours writing a beautiful report when she saw the corrections that needed to be made and knew she would again be spending hours writing for only a few corrections.

There exists a clear distinction between the revision phase, during which the student modifies the text by making additions, replacements, deletions, and relocation; and the correction phase, which is about spelling and grammar. Rewriting is essential to the remediation process.

Diversify learning strategies: digital technology to achieve interactive writing

Digital tools make it possible to more easily vary learning strategies. "The student knows that the class, the school, and the institution are places of collaboration, mutual aid, and knowledge sharing. A supportive classroom conveys a culture in which students know they can obtain assistance from and learn from others. The use of digital tools contributes to these methods of organization, exchange, and collaboration. Digital tools therefore bring another manner of working together in the classroom. Learning is more interactive; it is enriched by the exchange between students and teachers.

Relevancy & Purpose Increase Engagement

Finally, more recent standards are clearly devoted to methods and tools for learning, naturally highlighting digital tools for production, exchange and communication. For Example, "The student knows how to mobilize different digital tools to create documents integrating various media and publish or transmit them, so that they can be consulted and used by others. They know how to reuse collaborative productions to enrich their own creations, while respecting the rules of copyright." If we want to increase engagement, relevant questions and personal connection are key principles. Use digital tools to simplify the process of creating relevant projects with personal connection for students from publishing student work to writing letters. For more ideas on increasing engagement check out this post from Edutopia, 3 Ways to Activate Student Engagement.

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