The Rights of Children Who Write at Plume

September 1, 2023

Writing is an inalienable right, especially for children who need it to grow up harmoniously.

A manifesto is a statement that explains one's vision of things, a bit like a program for a political party.

In this article, we would like to explain in detail how we consider writing at Plume. We believe that every child has invaluable creative potential, especially in writing. This means that all children are gifted and everyone is gifted in their own way and in their own field.

Therefore, we are committed to promoting writing to as many people as possible. Our stories are for everyone, regardless of gender, age, profile, difficulties, or talents.

Here are the rights of children who write, freely inspired by the rights of the reader of Daniel Pennac!

  1. The right not to write on command and to follow the whim of your desires. You can write where you want, when you want, and about whatever you want.
  2. The right to go back on your writing. You can change what you've written. Nothing is ever final.
  3. The right not to finish a story or to ask for help when you face difficulties. If you don't like the story, get another one. If you don't understand it, ask for help.
  4. The right to proofread. If your writing is imperfect at first, that's normal. You have to re-read it.
  5. The right to write anything. You decide what you want to write and what you don't want to write.
  6. The right to pretend to be Flaubert (and to "shout" his writings out loud). Flaubert, a great writer of the 19th century, "shouted" his writings to see if they sounded good. This way, he made sure that the words were well-matched. This can be a method to rework your writing.
  7. The right to write with any tool you want, with a keyboard or a pen. Whether you prefer using a keyboard or a pen and paper, the main thing is to write.
  8. The right to "grapitize" (to draw inspiration from one's own life, from the life of relatives, from a novel, from real life). To write, you have to read and be inspired by everything around you. It is a form of creative "plundering". Be inspired, yes, but don't copy!
  9. The right to write as the (Plume!) pen goes and let your inner writer overflow. Sometimes, we throw ourselves into writing and we get overwhelmed. We then write without re-reading, in one "draft", with our heads down and without thinking. We let ourselves be carried away by our creativity, and that is the most important thing!
  10. The right to be discreet with one's writings: to show them... or not. Writing is personal and we don't necessarily want to show it to others.

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