Written work is produced to be read, not to be evaluated

September 1, 2023

Skill development (not assessment) relies on students developing a writing posture. One of the most effective ways to develop motivation and enjoyment of writing is to find readers for your students. Let's get the writing out of the classroom, let's give value to what they write. That's why it's so important to print out class journals, send parents links to blog posts, write letters to a senior home or politician... This is how writing becomes meaningful, because it can be read. Because it makes communication with a group possible.

The taste for written expression also brings us back to evaluation: which one to adopt?

Educational science tells us that in order to help students progress, it is necessary to offer personalized feedback, and if possible, rapid feedback on their productions. This is even more relevant when it comes to writing. The task of writing is indeed so complex, it seems very important to value it with a positive evaluation.

Use digital technology

Proofreading and improving one's writing becomes an explicit and essential skill. this is why digital tools can be placed at the heart of the classroom in order to develop the habit of reworking one's writing. Digital technology is profoundly transforming the forms and challenges of writing. It is a new culture of writing, especially for our students: the "writing with digital technology" skill has even been added to many state standards. Both keyboards and screens democratize writing; they transform gestures (cutting, copying, pasting, moving ...) and modalities (collaborative, transformative, multimedia...) and invite us to create and think.

Plume as a tool to lay the foundations of written expression in elementary

With all these constraints, you may feel helpless or unable to cope with the immensity of the task: too many corrections ahead, too much preparation...With these convictions in mind, we have developed Plume to allow all students, from the age of 8 (generally from the middle of second grade, when reading is automatic) to write as much as possible, independently and with pleasure. Plume is a site that allows students from 8 to 12 years of age to write regularly to help them progress in their mastery of the language. After creating an online profile, the child is directed to a literary universe adapted to his or her language skills.There, they are invited to choose the beginning of a story that they will have to co-write. Chapter after chapter, they can unlock the rest of the story. This approach allows the child to become an actor in his or her learning and mixes reading and writing for better comprehension.In order for students to improve their language skills, their writing is corrected by their teacher. The option exists to encourage students by rewarding progress with virtual badges, which they will find in their personal space. Finally, the student can print their story, which will be embellished with beautiful illustrations. They can share it with their friends and family, thus enhancing their creativity and writing skills. Enjoy discovering Plume and let’s start writing!

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